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Work Plan to optimize the Reporting System of Environmental Impact Assessment Commitment Statements

The previous version of the reporting system for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Commitment Statements was in operation for more than 10 years. Its technical support was no longer met the requirements of the supervisors and administrators. Therefore, the system was completely upgraded (rebuilt) in 2019–2020. The new system was launched in May 2020. In addition to upgrading the information security, the reporting could be fully conducted online, following the trend and subsequent value-added applications. The system advantages (cross-system data sharing) have been completely utilized to improve reporting efficiency and data accuracy. This year, this project continued to improve the new system, and the primary outcomes are as follows. (1) New functions: This project expanded the management functions for offshore wind turbine cases, strengthened the case control function for administrators, effectively improved the immediacy and validity of supervisory and audit data reporting, and established six data sheets to incorporate the case data entry and the feedback on reporting check from government agencies. (2) New functions: This project expanded the EIA book management system by using the new EIA reporting system to inventory books, update call numbers, replace book labels, as well as support the functions of book registration and loan. Four data sheets were established, and a total of 4,074 EIA books were inventoried. (3) Continuous improvement: This project continued to integrate data of various disciplines, connect audit and disposition data on the Environmental Enforcement Management System (EEMS), enhance the accuracy of data inquiry, effectively control the status of final decisions, and improve the audit management of violation cases. (4) Regarding system counseling and opinion exchange, lecturers were dispatched to assist one live stream seminar for system operation. A total of 325 customer service cases were replied. Averagely, 70% customer service cases were resolved within 3-5 minutes, and 96% problems were associated with system operation. (5) This project continuously performed information security maintenance every month to reduce security vulnerability. To reduce information security risk, this project cooperated with the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Information Management to conduct irregular information security examinations.
Environmental impact assessment, environmental impact assessment results, Reporting System